Planned Parenthood has been synonymous with sexual healthcare for over 100 years. With 1 in 5 people visiting a local health center at least once in their lifetime, Planned Parenthood has become THE trusted experts nationally. Regionally, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) has been serving the communities of Colorado, New Mexico, Southern Nevada and Wyoming to further the Planned Parenthood mission from the beginning. With Alison Macklin’s leadership the PPRM’s education team, the Responsible Sex Education Institute (RSEI), has been nationally recognized for their skills and expertise. Editor, Alison Macklin is the VP of Education and Innovation for PPRM, through her work with the head of ICYC, Daniela Fellman, ICYC has become a valuable resource for young people across the country. Authors Molly Alderton, Daniela Fellman, Meghan Hilton and Julie LaBarr have a combined total of over 50 years of experience working in direct education. These experts come from diverse backgrounds and experiences and share a passion for providing sex education that is inclusive and developmentally appropriate.
Molly Alderton (Contributor) has been serving the Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming community for over six years as education program manager with Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains’ (PPRM) Responsible Sex Education Institute. In this role she manages and implements sexual health education programs to a variety of populations in many different settings. Molly came to PPRM with her bachelor’s degree in social work from Colorado State University and extensive experience working with local non-profits focused on HIV prevention and sexual violence prevention. In addition to her work with PPRM, Molly is a strong advocate in her community serving on the City of Fort Collins’ Women’s Commission.
Meghan Hilton (Contributor) started as a health center assistant with Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains in April 2017 before moving to the Responsible Sex Education Institute to be a full-time sex educator later that year. With her master’s degree in social work from the University of Michigan, Meghan is an avid artist and feminist. Meghan is often found in and out of the classroom talking about healthy relationships, sexually transmitted infections, and birth control options or answering questions for In Case You’re Curious.
Daniela Fellman (Contributor) has been with the Responsible Sex Education Institute for over ten years. As the manager of texting initiatives she is responsible for the In Case You’re Curious (ICYC) text line which includes Instagram, marketing, and training staff to answer questions. In addition to all things ICYC, Daniela continues to teach sex education. As a mother of two young boys, Daniela understands how challenging talking about sexual health can be. But thanks to programs like ICYC, parents can find the support they need to help their youth(s)!
Julie LaBarr (Contributor) is the regional director of education at the Responsible Sex Education Institute and has worked with Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains for over seventeen years. Julie is a certified trainer in multiple curriculum and a huge advocate for sex education for people with disabilities. Julie has experience in teaching comprehensive sex education, researching evidence-based curriculum and marketing programs, and training adults to educate youth about making healthy choices about sex and sexuality. Julie’s favorite part of her work is educating and learning from her participants, and of course answering all their interesting questions.
Alison Macklin (Editor) has been with the Responsible Sex Education Institute at the Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) for over fourteen years. She is Vice President of Education and Innovation and is responsible for the leadership of PPRM’s Education work across its four-states. Alison is an award-winning, nationally recognized leader in the field of comprehensive sex education, holds a master’s in social work from the University of Denver, and is the author of Making Sense of “It”.