Barb Webb is a freelance writer, author, blogger, and sustainable living expert. When she's not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock-Jedi battles with her sons, she's writing about homesteading and artisan culture.
Born under the earth sign Taurus, Barb arrived in the world ready to start nurturing, digging, and planting! She believes the universe is an excellent guide if we simply open our minds and hearts to listen.
An early adopter of hemp, Barb was first in line to try CBD products when they first entered the sustainable living scene. A master gardener with twenty years’ experience growing medicinal herbs and spices, she’s also a recognized leader in the online homestead community, owner of the popular home and garden website RuralMom.com. She loves empowering others, including helping them to grow herbal remedies and embrace the cannabis culture.