eISBN: 9781573446051

The Frugal Foodie Cookbook: Waste-Not Recipes for the Wise Cook

by Lynette R Shirk, Lara Starr

The recession has put a lot of strain on the grocery bill, especially for those with families or friends to feed. But that doesn't mean having to skip gourmet food and a balanced diet. Noted chef and "four-star frugal gourmet" Lynette Shirk shows readers how to creatively and cleverly use ingredients and leftovers to produce wonderful inexpensive meals for any occasion. This book has everything, from roasting coffee at home to concocting inexpensive crave-worthy casseroles to whipping up snacks on a shoestring. Chapters include "Bankable Breakfasts," "Lunch for Less," and "Dinner on a Dime," and feature irresistible recipes from Shaved Shrimp Rolls and Gourmet PBJ to an "Exponential Chicken" that stretches the bird over five different courses. With hundreds of delicious dishes and expert advice (including fun ideas for serving), The Frugal Foodie Cookbook keeps hungry readers living well and eating better.

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About the author Lynette Rohrer Shirk

LYNETTE ROHRER SHIRK is a classically trained chef (butcher, baker), entrepreneur (candlestickmaker), and author of nine cookery books. She was educated at the Ohio State University (BA- Classics); and California Culinary Academy in San Francisco. Lynette has toiled in the kitchens of Chez Panisse, Wolfgang Puck's Postrio, Bizou, Stars and Williams-Sonoma corporate headquarters. Lynette loves candy so much that she launched her own website and company: Volcano Candy, featuring her...

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Books by Lynette Rohrer Shirk
About the author Lara Starr

LARA STARR never lets a limited budget get in the way of a good meal. The co-author of The Party Girl Cookbook, Lara has offered advice on easy, affordable cooking and entertaining on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, and websites throughout the US and Canada. She lives in Marin County, California, with her well-fed husband and son. Read about her culinary adventures here:

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Books by Lara Starr

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