ISBN: 9781936740697
eISBN: 9781573446150

It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been: A Guide to Getting the Life You Love

by BJ Gallagher

Inspired by the timeless quote by the great writer George Eliot, It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been is a guidebook to getting the life you've always wanted. Written in best-selling author BJ Gallagher's trademark warm and witty style, this book is written for, in her own words, "Everyone who has let fear or busyness or any reason good or bad get in the way of achieving your highest goals and long-held dreams, and isn't that everyone?" Whether you are a brand new college graduate going out into the big, wide world, a business executive escaping burnout, or a 40-something mom looking for a 'second life,' this book is a wonderful combination of great advice, step-by-step guidelines, and pure inspiration to listen to and honor your inner voice and seize not just the day, but the rest of your life!

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About the author BJ Gallagher

BJ GALLAGHER is a dynamic workshop leader and charismatic keynote speaker, as well as a much-published author. She conducts seminars for women's groups, professional organizations, and corporations. This savvy media maven has appeared several times on the Today Show and in the pages of many women's magazines and newspapers, from the Los Angeles Times to the Chicago Tribune and the New York Times. She lives in Los Angeles.

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Books by BJ Gallagher

"Replete with illustrative true life stories, step-by-step 'user friendly' guidelines, and inspiring anecdotes for helping the reader craft and then achieve for themselves their own definitions of 'the good life'."

Midwest Book Review


"Storytelling. What a lovely thing that is.... All of us are walking stories. ... Sometimes others tell our story for us – as BJ does in this book, unfolding each person's story in a lovely way. We learn from others' stories. They manifest courage, to inspire us. They cry: "Don't give up!" They cry: "See how crooked was the path by which I reached my dreams? Don't despair if yours is not the straight path to your destination ...You will get there. See! I did. Because it's never too late.
—Richard Bolles, author of the bestselling What Color is Your Parachute?


"I've always loved inspiring quotes. In fact, I have a refrigerator magnet with George Eliot's famous quote, "It's never too late to be what you might have been." My own life is a testament to its truth ... thus far I've been an entrepreneur, a mom, a wife, an author and keynote speaker, and a merchandising maven. Who knows how many more challenging roles I'll take on in the second half of my life?
—Lisa Hammond, aka the Barefoot CEO, founder of Femail Creations catalog, author of Dream Big


"As I read It's Never Too Late To Be What You Might Have Been, I found myself smiling and nodding in agreement as I read, because I identify with so many of the great stories of people reinventing themselves. I know from my own personal experience that we can all make powerful, positive changes in our lives – at any age!"
—Mac Anderson, founder of Successories and Simple Truths


"This book shows you how to be the ultimate friend to yourself — by following your dreams and helping them to come true."
—Dr. Kristin Neff, associate professor of Human Development and Culture at University of Texas at Austin


"There are so many reasons we give up on our dreams, and allow our heartsongs to be silenced, but BJ Gallagher reminds us in It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might have Been, that time is on our side. This book is filled with inspiring stories and tried and true tips to put us on the path of living our dreams today. Allow this book to inspire you to say a resounding, YES, to your dreams."
—Susyn Reeve, author of The Inspired Life: Unleashing Your Mind's Capacity for Joy


"Life can not only have "second acts" but they can be the most exciting time of your life. BJ Gallagher shares many courageous and inspired stories in It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Beenshowing how life can better, bolder, and brighter as we go."
—June Cotner, bestselling author of Gracesand Garden Blessings


"A call to action. A delightful read that may just reset the course of your life onto the right track."
— Barb Webb, Country Bookshelf


"Gallagher gives readers the motivation they need to start a new chapter in their lives. It's never too late to find true love, go back to school, start a new career, become athletic, live your dream."
— Megan K. Scott, Associated Press


"Reading BJ Gallagher's book is like getting a pep talk from a friend who wholeheartedly believes in you."
—Judy Ford, author of Every Day Love: The Delicate Art of Caring for Each Other


"We all know people that believe that their dreams are out of reach or that time is no longer on their side to achieve them. To that I say, “nonsense!” It’s Never Too Late by BJ Gallagher is the perfect guide for any person on this planet to believe and achieve whatever is in their heart. It’s refreshing to know that someone has finally written this book which is a must read for all."
–David Mezzapelle, author of bestselling Contagious Optimism


"One of the biggest crimes people commit is when they don’t make use of their God-given talents or follow their dreams. That’s why this book is so great and so needed. It will remind you that, among other things, it is never too late to love, create, prosper, or even regain your childhood. In other words, take heed of these encouraging words, follow your passion and share yourself with the world. If you do, you will not only live, laugh and love more but guess what…you will have much more fun."
–Allen Klein, professional speaker and author of Always Look on the Bright Side


"Keep Moving Forward! That's the timely theme of BJ Gallagher's wonderful book, It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been. BJ writes story after story in such a positive, uplifting way you can't help but keep reading. I highly recommend this book for anyone who ever thought about giving up. There's no way you can give up after reading this!"
–Tony Burroughs, author of Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions


"BJ Gallagher is a writer I gratefully turn to when I need a fresh perspective. In It's Never Too Late To Be What You Might Have Been offers exactly that aging and how the second part of life can be the far better half. So true!"
–Nina Lesowitz, author of Living Life as a Thank You


"BJ's unquenchable and witty optimism convinces a reader that not only can they CHASE and CATCH their dreams but they can get in shape while doing the chasing."
–Mary Anne Radmacher, author of She and Lean Forward Into Your Life


"A...guidebook for figuring out how to engineer the life you've always wanted, an instruction manual to become the ultimate you."
— Lisa Daily, The Lipstick Chronicles


"Filled with stories and lots of details...I enjoyed this book immensely and practically read it in one sitting. I could barely put it down."
— Sandy Dempsey, The Dreaming Cafe


"I am thrilled that my friend BJ Gallagher has written this book; it will inspire you to dust off those dreams and go for it!I'm a raving fan of her work, and I'm sure that when you read this book, you will be, too!"
— Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager


“...Gallagher offers a collection of inspirational anecdotes that touch on a variety of arenas where we might dream of starting over: careers, education, health, finances and love.”
Feminist Review


“Gallagher delivers a strong motivational punch for you to discover, or rediscover your passions and to live a happier life.”
— Marta Freundlich, New Consciousness Review


“Gallagher gives readers the motivation they need to start a new chapter in their lives.”
Chicago Sun Times


“You will enjoy this witty, informative guide to getting what you want out of life.”
— Bizzia


“B.J. Gallagher gives insightful and proactive advice about how to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start yourself down a path towards fulfilling hopes and dreams you may have given up on.”
— Inspired Personal Development


“Readers will undoubtedly find themselves quoting from this book and passing along the messages in their own words to loved ones and strangers alike.
New Thought


“Whether you need some hand holding or a kick in the pants, this inspiring guidebook by best selling author BJ Gallagher helps move you along with great advice and real life stories of those who have successfully been there and done that.”
— Femail Creations



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