ISBN: 9781632280046
eISBN: 9781632280107

Be a Good in the World: 365 Days of Good Deeds, Inspired Ideas and Acts of Kindness

by Brenda Knight

In the hurly burly of this busy world, simple kindness and goodness can get left behind in the rush to be first in line, at the top of the corporate ladder and have the most "likes." But, what does it all mean at the end of the day? Isn't being a good person and making real contributions to the world more important than anything else? Author Brenda Knight, part of the team who made the world a better place with "Random Acts of Kindness" as well as a little more thankful with The Grateful Table," writes "At the end of life, I feel sure having lots of money, fancy cars and real estate is not nearly as important as how much love you gave to the world." This realization was the inspiration for Be a Good In the World, a book of "good days" filled with ideas for making a difference.

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About the author Brenda Knight

Brenda Knight is a publisher and editor who writes about women's history and issues affecting women's lives today. The author of The Grateful Table, Sheroes, The Poetry Oracle, Wild Women and Books, and the American Book Award-winning Women of the Beat Generation, Brenda also does volunteer work with women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. She lives the San Francisco Bay Area.

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