ISBN: 9781936740192
eISBN: 9781936740284

The Art of Living Joyfully: How to be Happier Every Day of the Year

by Allen Klein, SARK

Allen Klein is a motivational speaker and author who believes strongly in the way words can influence how we feel mentally, physically, and spiritually. In this day of tweeting, texting, cyberspeak and the non-language of E-mail, the written and spoken word has the power to touch our hearts and lift our spirit that is extraordinary.

In this The Art of Living Joyfully, Jollytologist Allen Klein presents a compendium of advice and plain common sense comprising a guide to good cheer. This wonderful collection of quips, quotes and instruction comes from a variety of people and from all eras of history. Dividing the books thematically, covering such topics as Friendship, Laughter, Beauty, Nature, Faith, and more, this is a book to cherish for oneself and to give as a heartfelt gift.

HENRY DAVID THOREAU on Friendship: "The most I can for my friend is simply to be his friend,"

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE on Laughter: "A light heart lives long."

RALPH WALDO EMERSON on Happiness: "Happiness is a perfume which you cannot pour on someone without getting some on yourself."

SOPHOCLES on Love: "One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love."

MARTIN LUTHER on Nature: "Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf of springtime."

From yesteryear to yesterday to today; from the famous to the little known; on subjects that touch our lives every day in every way, the selection of quotes in THE ART OF LIVING JOYFULLY offers insight and inspiration to help you and those you care about feel good about themselves and life.

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About the author Allen Klein

The world’s only Jollytologist, ALLEN KLEIN is an award-winning inspirational speaker and author based in San Francisco. With a large following of people, Klein has inspired and uplifted many of his readers—including the legendary Jerry Lewis. His books include Mom’s the Word, Inspiration for a Lifetime, Change Your Life!, The Art of Living Joyfully, and have sold over 500,000 copies.

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