ISBN: 9781573444057
eISBN: 9781573445641

The Secret History of Rock 'n' Roll

by Christopher Knowles

Sex. Drugs. Loud music. Wild costumes. Dazzling light shows. These words can all describe a great rock concert or a hot dance club, but they were also part and parcel of the ancient cultural phenomenon known as the “Mystery religions.” In this book, author Christopher Knowles shows how the Mystery religions got a secular reincarnation when a new musical form called rock 'n' roll burst onto the scene. The Secret History of Rock 'n' Roll traces the history of the Mysteries — their rise, their fall, and their survival through long centuries of repression. Knowles shows how the Mysteries prefigured subcultures as diverse as Santeria, Freemasonry, Mardi Gras and even the Holiness churches of the American frontier, and explains exactly how ancient rituals and music found their way to the New World. In the process, The Secret History of Rock 'n' Roll traces the development of rock's most popular genres such as punk and heavy metal, and reveals how many of rock's most iconic artists play the same archetypal roles as the ancient gods. You'll see how many of the rituals and customs and even musical styles of our postmodern society have stunning ancient parallels. You'll meet history's first pop

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About the author Christopher Knowles

CHRISTOPHER KNOWLES is an author and creator of comics. He is known for Halo: An Angel’s Story, a mini-series published by Sirius Entertainment. He was the editor of the Top Shelf Productions magazine "Comic Book Artist" from 2000-2004 and has written articles for publications like "The Jack Kirby Collector" and sites like Comic Book Resources. Knowles also wrote a highly acclaimed and award-winning book called Our Gods Wear Spandex:...

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