ISBN: 9781936740819
eISBN: 9781936740949

Garden Blessings: Prose, Poems and Prayers Celebrating the Love of Gardening

by June Cotner

Garden Blessings is an eloquent tribute to the wonders of the garden, a place where our souls are nourished and memories grown. June Cotner is a legend in the world of gift books with her inspirational books that have sold nearly one million copies. Her books comprise a balance of about 20 percent classic and famous writers and 80 percent lesser-known, award-winning writers, which results in discovering many selections not found anywhere else. Ranging from childhood memories of planting and harvesting to celebrations of the changing seasons to contemplation on the joyful art of gardening, Garden Blessings is a moving collection of poems, prayers, and reflections that remind us of what really matters—making and sharing memories.

Our gardens grow us and this collection of readings takes us down a path of pleasure. The overriding intention of Garden Blessings is to provide a heartwarming, spiritually-focused collection of uplifting prayers, prose, and poems that share a common joy and appreciation for the love of gardening and the many blessings that gardens bring to our lives. June Cotner, a #1 inspirational author, has gathered a bounty of garden blessings here, offering gems of wisdom that remind the reader and gardener in all of us just how much we learn from our gardens.

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About the author June Cotner

June Cotner is the author or editor of 28 books, including the best-selling Graces, Bedside Prayers, and Dog Blessings. Her books altogether have sold over one million copies. June’s latest love and avocation is giving presentations on “Adopting Prisoner-Trained Shelter Dogs.” In 2011 she adopted Indy, a chocolate Labrador/Doberman mix, from the Freedom Tails program at Stafford Creek Corrections Center in Aberdeen, WA. June works with Indy daily...

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Books by June Cotner

"Best-selling author June Cotner is lifting up her readers with an offering of prayer and poetry based on gardening." ―Fox News

"Beautifully designed, and lovingly compiled over a decade, this book will be a delight for those who toil in the garden or those who just enjoy the beauty of others’ labors. It provides witness to the gifts of the earth and the joy of carefully thought-out, cultivated abundance. Writings drawn from several centuries grace the pages as the smell of flowers and the sound of birds fill the reader’s mind. The cover will draw customers in and, once inside, they will find many hours of uplifting companionship." ―Anna Jedrziewski, Retailing Insight

"A great book of poems, prose and prayers celebrating the love of gardening." ―The Baby Spot

"This is a beautiful book to enjoy leisurely. It is not something you sit down and read through, but you should read through it slowly, contemplating as you go. While it is too small to be considered a 'coffee table' book, that is actually a good way to display it for your visitors to enjoy. The cover is beautiful and a great draw to open the book. The writings inside are from various authors or literary greats, some better known that others, but thought provoking and intriguing. You will wax nostalgic as you meander through this delightful little book." ―Lifelong Learning

"An ode to the places where land is sown and memories reaped." ―Edge

"Garden Blessings offers many different ways to contemplate and appreciate gardens and gardening. Whether you prefer to concentrate on roses or radishes in your garden, this little book aims to help you enjoy the nourishment for both body and soul." ―The Kitsap Sun


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