ISBN: 9781632280169
eISBN: 9781632280305

When Bad Things Happen to Good Women: Getting You (or Someone You Love) Through the Toughest Times

by Carole B. Fleet

When Bad Things Happen to Good Women is a survivor's toolkit by a leading expert in how to survive tragedy and thrive afterward. Carole Brody Fleet's book is a chorus of voices of females who overcame intense odds and rebounded. Filled with moving stories and specific steps on how to move on, these words of hard-won wisdom make an important component in dealing with trauma.

Real-life stories and practical advice on life-altering topics are shared by women of all walks of life. New York Times best-selling author and CBS reporter Lee Woodruff tells the story of how her news correspondent and anchorman husband Bob Woodruff nearly died from a roadside bombing in Iraq. Kristen Moeller of Tiny House Nation on A&E describes the devastating wildfire that destroyed her home, and how she overcame losing literally everything. A bride-to-be shares the wedding day that became a memorial for her groom when he died in a car wreck on his way to the church. No matter the trauma, Carole Brody Fleet makes sure readers are equipped with the tools and techniques to thrive after any tragedy — with a big heart and peaceful mind intact.

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About the author Carole Brody Fleet

Carole Brody Fleet is the award-winning author of the #1 new release in its genre, “When Bad Things Happen to Good Women…” (Viva Editions). She is also the author of “Happily EVEN After... “(Viva Editions); winner of the prestigious Books for a Better Life Award, one of the top national awards in publishing; as well as the critically praised, national bestseller, "Widows Wear Stilettos..." (New Horizon Press).  A contributor to the iconic Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Ms. Fleet regularly appears...

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