ISBN: 9781632280855
eISBN: 9781632281425

The Little Book of Anthropology: A Pocket Guide to the Study of What Makes Us Human

by Rasha Barrage

If you’re intrigued by the question “What makes us human?”, strap in for this whirlwind tour of the highlights of anthropology. . .

From the first steps of our prehistoric ancestors, to the development of complex languages, to the intricacies of religions and cultures across the world, diverse factors have shaped the human species as we know it. Anthropology strives to untangle this fascinating web of history to work out who we were in the past, what that means for human beings today and who we might be tomorrow.

This pocket-sized introduction includes accessible primers on:

—Influential anthropologists such as Franz Boas, Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict
—The key branches of anthropology, from physical and linguistic anthropology to archaeology
—How anthropologists study topics such as communication, identity, sex and gender, religion and culture
—How we can approach one of life’s most enduring questions: what is it that truly makes us human?

This illuminating little book will introduce you to the key thinkers, themes and theories you need to know to understand the development of human beings, and how our history has informed the way we live today. A perfect gift for anyone taking their first steps into the world of anthropology, as well as for those who want to brush up their knowledge.

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About the author Rasha Barrage

Rasha Barrage was born in Iraq and grew up in Merseyside in the north-west of England. After studying law at Oxford University and completing a master's at the University of Toronto, she worked for the United Nations Development Programme before going on to train and work as a lawyer for eight years. She lives in London with her husband and three young children.

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