Release Date: May 30, 2023
ISBN: 9781632280909
eISBN: 9781632281470

365 Days of Dad Jokes: Awfully Good Gags. . . All Year Round

by Jim Chumley

Perfect for dads and lovers of cheesy puns and one-liners, this pocket-sized collection offers a year’s worth of mirth suitable for all ages!

There’s something very special about a dad joke – they’re always enjoyably terrible, sometimes quite witty and occasionally downright hilarious. So if you’re a dad looking to add to your collection of funnies, or you’d like to beat your old man at his own game, this is the book for you.

Packed into these pages are pithy wisecracks, comically cringeworthy puns, silly one-liners and enough other types of joke to last an entire year. Among the hundreds of groan-worthy gags you’ll find gems like:

—How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles.

—Why are balloons so expensive? Inflation.

—What do you call an elephant who doesn’t matter? Irrelephant.

—How does the moon cut his hair? Eclipse it.

—Did you hear about the circus fire? It was in tents.

Unapologetically themselves, just like dads, these are jokes to inflict with glee on all the family.

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About the author Jim Chumley

Jim Chumley is the author of 365 Days of Dad Jokes, as well as many other humor books.

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Books by Jim Chumley

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